Auflistung Workshopband MuC 2021 nach Titel
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- Workshopbeitrag1st Workshop on “User Experience for Sustainability in the Age of Automated Driving and Electromobility”(Mensch und Computer 2021 - Workshopband, 2021) Holzhammer, Uwe; Lenz, Maximilian Josef; Riener, Andreas; Schweizer, Manuel; Tutunaru, RobinAutomation and electromobility are disruptive technologies within the automotive industry at the beginning of the second decade of the 21st century. Both technologies combined are inherent in high potential to lower fuel/energy consumption and increase overall efficiency and thus sustainability in the transportation sector. However, the acceptance of fuel-saving driving modes and of electrified drivetrains is of fundamental importance. Therefor Automotive HMIs offer the possibility to inform the passengers about the environmental impact of their driving behavior or habits of use and enable to persuade towards a more sustainable lifestyle. This workshop is designed for UX researchers, students and interested citizens that want to participate in a discourse and design process for future automotive UIs. Using brainstorming methods combined with clustering of the ideas we will find out which information provided at which time is adequate to cause a change of behaviour which then diminishes the environmental impact of driving.
- Workshopbeitrag3rdWorkshop on User-Embodied Interaction in Virtual Reality (UIVR)(Mensch und Computer 2021 - Workshopband, 2021) Roth, Daniel; Podkosova, Iana; Nilsson, Niels Christian; Kulik, Alexander; Bruder, GerdThe representation of users to others and themselves is especially important for Virtual/Mixed/Augmented Reality (VR/MR/AR) applications. The development of technological solutions and the understanding of underlying cognitive effects challenges humancomputer interaction (HCI) and related disciplines. A number of interesting research questions, such as realism of appearance and behavior as well as their effects on perception and user behavior arise, that are yet to be explored. To support a discussion and the generation of a common agenda, we will organize the 3rd half-day workshop on User-Embodied Interaction in VR (UIVR) gathering researchers and practitioners emphasizing the discussion of different positions on applications and findings to collect guidelines for future developments.
- Workshopbeitrag7. Usable Security und Privacy Workshop(Mensch und Computer 2021 - Workshopband, 2021) Lo Iacono, Luigi; Schmitt, Harmut; Polst, Svenja; Heinemann, AndreasAuch die mittlerweile siebte Ausgabe des wissenschaftlichen Workshops “Usable Security und Privacy” auf der Mensch und Computer 2021 wird aktuelle Forschungs- und Praxisbeiträge präsentiert und anschließend mit allen Teilnehmer:innen diskutiert. Zwei Beiträge befassen sich dieses Jahr mit dem Thema Privatsphäre, zwei mit dem Thema Sicherheit. Mit dem Workshop wird ein etabliertes Forum fortgeführt und weiterentwickelt, in dem sich Expert:innen aus unterschiedlichen Domänen, z. B. dem Usability- und Security- Engineering, transdisziplinär austauschen können.
- Workshopbeitrag8. Workshop Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion in sicherheitskritischen Systemen: Ausnahmezustand(Mensch und Computer 2021 - Workshopband, 2021) Mentler, Tilo; Reuter, Christian; Nestler, Simon; Kaufhold, Marc-André; Herczeg, Michael; Pottebaum, JensIm Zentrum dieses Workshops steht die Interaktion von Mensch und Technik in sicherheitskritischen Kontexten. Hierzu zählen Anwendungsfelder, die bereits seit vielen Jahren Gegenstand der Forschung und Entwicklung sind. Beispiele sind Katastrophen-schutz oder Medizin, aber auch kritische Infrastrukturen. In die-sen und vielen weiteren Bereichen gilt, dass sichere Systemzu-stände nur durch die ganzheitliche Betrachtung von Mensch, Technik und Organisation gewährleistet bzw. schnellstmöglich wieder erreicht werden können. In diesem Zusammenhang ist der Workshop auch der Nutzbarkeit und Akzeptanz von Sicher-heitskonzepten sowie einer bewussteren Auseinandersetzung der Nutzenden mit diesem Thema gewidmet. Dieser Beitrag stellt die Themenkomplexe des Workshops, die angenommenen Bei-träge und das Organisationsteam vor.
- Workshopbeitrag9thWorkshop Automotive HMIs: Natural and Adaptive UIs to Support Future Vehicles(Mensch und Computer 2021 - Workshopband, 2021) Riener, Andreas; Pfleging, Bastian; Detjen, Henrik; Braun, Michael; Peintner, JakobModern vehicles allow control by the driver with multimodal user interfaces (UIs), touch interaction on screens, speech input, and mid-air gestures. Such UIs are driver-focused and optimized for limited distraction to not compromise road safety in manual driving. Nevertheless, they are often complex and it might be difficult to find specific features. Automated driving in L3+ will disrupt the design of automotive UIs as drivers become passengers, at least for certain parts along the way. Similarly, the car is being transformed into a social space where passengers can be granted control over systems because they can devote their full attention without imposing safety risks. The complexity of advanced driver assistance, in-vehicle information and interaction systems requires explanation to the user, e.g., in which state the system is, interaction possibilities, expectations from the driver or take over timing. We expect novel technologies to allow for natural interaction and adaptivity to design valuable and future-proof interaction concepts for the changing interior of (automated) vehicles. The goal of this workshop is, thus, to discuss how natural and adaptive user interfaces can help to solve the mentioned challenges and to identify opportunities for future research and collaboration.
- WorkshopbeitragAkzeptanz von Fahrerassistenzsystemen - Eine qualitative Analyse und Konzeptualisierung von Probanden-Empfindungen(Mensch und Computer 2021 - Workshopband, 2021) Driesen-Micklitz, Tim; Merker, Adrian; Stocker, Alexander; Fellmann, Michael; Röcker, CarstenAls Nutzer eines Fahrzeuges Teile der Fahraufgabe oder sogar die vollständige Kontrolle über ein Fahrzeug an Fahrerassistenzsysteme zu delegieren, ist technisch ein Meilenstein in der Automobilentwicklung. Gleichwohl ist es für Nutzer ungewohnt und erfordert ein hohes Maß an Vertrauen und Akzeptanz. Daher ist es von hohem Interesse für Wissenschaft und Praxis, wie Nutzer von Fahrerassistenzsysteme deren Funktionalitäten und Verhaltensweisen wahrnehmen. Nichtsdestotrotz existieren bisher vergleichbar wenig umfassende Studien, wie Nutzer solche Systeme unter Realbedingungen im öffentlichen Straßenverkehr wahrnehmen. Der vorliegende Beitrag analysiert die positiven und negativen Empfindungen von Probanden hinsichtlich Fahrerassistenzsystemen anhand eines umfassenden Forschungsdatensatzes realer Autofahrten mit 100 an einer Feldstudie teilnehmenden Personen. Die untersuchten Fahrerassistenzsysteme werden nach den Funktionalitäten Automatic Cruise Control und Lenkassistent differenziert. Werden beide Systeme gleichzeitig aktiviert, so vermitteln sie das Gefühl eines Automatisierten Fahrens. Positive durch die Probanden wahrgenommene Empfindungen waren u.a. Komfortgewinn, insb. gegenüber der adaptiven Abstandshaltung. Als negativ wurden die Aspekte Kontrollverlust, Beschleunigungsverhalten, Fahrer-Fahrzeug Interaktion, fehlende Zuverlässigkeit und hohe notwendige Konzentration empfunden. Beiträge zur Theorie bestehen einerseits in dem entwickelnden Kategorienschema für positive bzw. negative Systemempfindungen sowie aus den konkreten Ergebnissen, d.h. den erhobenen positiven bzw. negativen Empfindungen. Andererseits sind diese Erkenntnisse auch für Praktiker wertvoll, da sie in Produktentwicklungsprozesse einfließen können.
- WorkshopbeitragAudit, Don’t Explain – Recommendations Based on a Socio-Technical Understanding of ML-Based Systems(Mensch und Computer 2021 - Workshopband, 2021) Heuer, HendrikIn this position paper, I provide a socio-technical perspective on machine learning-based systems. I also explain why systematic audits may be preferable to explainable AI systems. I make concrete recommendations for how institutions governed by public law akin to the German TÜV and Stiftung Wartentest can ensure that ML systems operate in the interest of the public.
- WorkshopbeitragCollaborative Manufacturing Process Redesign Using Sentiment Analysis(Mensch und Computer 2021 - Workshopband, 2021) Softic, Selver; Lüftenegger, Egon; Stojic, AleksandarWe present a novel tool called SentiProMo which uses sentiment analysis on collaborative comments collected during the design phase of business and manufacturing processes. This method involves the implicit information of sentiment hidden behind the suggestions for the process improvements. To discover and utilize the sentiment for process redesign we trained and tested a sentiment analysis module as part of our software. This module classifies and scores the sentiment of comments and acts as a part of SentiProMo tool for role based BPMN modeling and annotation. In order to evaluate the usability of the proposed software we tested it with a specific scenario including tasks with representative test persons. For this purpose we used standardized surveys like Computer System Usability Questionnaire (CSUQ) and Nielsen’s Heuristic model (NHE) to obtain the insights on usability of the system.
- WorkshopbeitragContextual design of an novel elderly-centered system for video-based communication(Mensch und Computer 2021 - Workshopband, 2021) Fleck, Marc-Julian; Marsden, NicolaSince the Covid-19 pandemic, computer-mediated communication (CMC) became more crucial than before for staying in touch and maintaining social contact with family members and friends. However, older adults might have a knowledge gap or age-related barriers using CMC technologies like messenger services or video-based platforms on a mobile device. Consequently, and especially now, they often feel lonely since no physical meetings are possible, which in turn is negatively impacting their mental health. Therefore, a new CMC video call system for older adults that addresses these age-related issues is designed. This article presents the designing process, which was based on a contextual design approach.
- WorkshopbeitragCYWARN: Strategy and Technology Development for Cross-Platform Cyber Situational Awareness and Actor-Specific Cyber Threat Communication(Mensch und Computer 2021 - Workshopband, 2021) Kaufhold, Marc-André; Fromm, Jennifer; Riebe, Thea; Mirbabaie, Milad; Kühn, Philipp; Basyurt, Ali Sercan; Bayer, Markus; Stöttinger, Marc; Eyilmez, Kaan; Möller, Reinhard; Fuchß, Christoph; Stieglitz, Stefan; Reuter, ChristianDespite the merits of digitisation in private and professional spaces, critical infrastructures and societies are increasingly ex-posed to cyberattacks. Thus, Computer Emergency Response Teams (CERTs) are deployed in many countries and organisations to enhance the preventive and reactive capabilities against cyberattacks. However, their tasks are getting more complex by the increasing amount and varying quality of information dissem-inated into public channels. Adopting the perspectives of Crisis Informatics and safety-critical Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) and based on both a narrative literature review and group discussions, this paper first outlines the research agenda of the CYWARN project, which seeks to design strategies and technolo-gies for cross-platform cyber situational awareness and actor-spe-cific cyber threat communication. Second, it identifies and elabo-rates eight research challenges with regard to the monitoring, analysis and communication of cyber threats in CERTs, which serve as a starting point for in-depth research within the project.