Auflistung Konferenzband MuC 2012 nach Titel
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- Konferenzbeitrag2DGree: Rapid Prototyping for Games(Mensch & Computer 2012: interaktiv informiert – allgegenwärtig und allumfassend!?, 2012) Niesenhaus, Jörg; Kahraman, Burak; Klatt, JohannesThis paper introduces 2DGree, an experimental game prototyping framework, which enables users to implement and playtest their game ideas within minutes. The framework s main purpose is the evaluation of different interaction techniques as well as methods of programming by demonstration and visual programming for the application within the context of rapid game prototyping. The core of the 2DGree framework consists of a game world editor tool and a script editor, which can be connected to further components like game asset sharing platforms or evaluation tools. The paper describes the current stage of the framework development, presents a user test and provides an outlook on the future plans for the framework development and application.
- Konferenzbeitrag3D Hand Gesture Recognition Based on Sensor Fusion of Commodity Hardware(Mensch & Computer 2012: interaktiv informiert – allgegenwärtig und allumfassend!?, 2012) Caputo, Manuel; Denker, Klaus; Dums, Benjamin; Umlauf, GeorgWith the advent of various video game consoles and tablet devices gesture recognition got quite popular to control computer systems. E.g. touch screens allow for an intuitive control of small 2d user interfaces with finger gestures. For interactive manipulation of 3d objects in a large 3d projection environment a similar intuitive 3d interaction method is required. In this paper, we present a dynamic 3d hand and arm gesture recognition system using commodity hardware. The input data is captured with low cost depth sensors (e.g. Microsoft Kinect) and HD color sensors (e.g. Logitech C910). Our method combines dynamic hand and arm gesture recognition based on the depth sensor with static hand gesture recognition based on the HD color sensor.
- KonferenzbeitragA Comparison of Spatial Grouping Techniques on Interactive Surfaces(Mensch & Computer 2012: interaktiv informiert – allgegenwärtig und allumfassend!?, 2012) Höchtl, Anita; Geyer, Florian; Reiterer, HaraldIn this paper we report a comparative study investigating two interaction techniques for grouping items spatially on a tabletop interface. We compared a container technique with a proximity technique. The container concept was considered due to its familiarity with desktop systems, while the proximity technique is a novel organic concept based on spatial proximity. Our goal was to identify the characteristics of both techniques in regard to grouping and regrouping performance, grouping strategies as well as bimanual and multi-finger input. Our results indicate that the traditional container concept may not be an adequate fit for harnessing the benefits of interactive surfaces. Rather, our study shows that more informal spatial techniques based on proximity open up a promising design space for further investigations.
- KonferenzbeitragA Zooming Concept for an Interactive Non-linear Video Authoring Software(Mensch & Computer 2012: interaktiv informiert – allgegenwärtig und allumfassend!?, 2012) Meixner, Britta; Grill, Christoph; Kosch, HaraldAuthoring tools for interactive non-linear videos or hypervideos often use the graph-based pattern for defining the structure between single elements of the multimedia-presentation. Visualization improvements like zooming and focus+context are rarely used. Elements of one category (for example videos, images, etc.) are represented by one uniform-looking icon, which makes it difficult to find elements in larger projects. This work illustrates that semantic and geometric zooming in combination with overview+detail views and a fisheye zoom are able to increase the attractiveness of the GUI and decrease the task completion time for several tasks.
- WorkshopbeitragAchievements in Exergames for Parkinson s Patients(Mensch & Computer 2012: interaktiv informiert – allgegenwärtig und allumfassend!?, 2012) Springer, Melanie; Herrlich, Marc; Krannich, Dennis; Malaka, RainerWhile playing good games should be intrinsically rewarding, additional extrinsic rewards such as achievements if applied with care can further enhance the game experience and foster player motivation. However, if applied in an uninformed way, extrinsically induced motivation can also devalue the intrinsic rewards in the player s perception. The impact of achievements on the game experience of special target groups like older people suffering from Parkinson s disease is still largely unexplored. In this paper, two types of achievements are evaluated for the exergame Sterntaler . Sterntaler was specifically developed for patients suffering from Parkinson s disease to motivate them to do physical exercises. Our results show that the majority of the participants prefer achievements to no achievements, with a near equal split between the different types of achievements included in this study.
- KonferenzbeitragAmbiGlasses - Information in the Periphery of the Visual Field(Mensch & Computer 2012: interaktiv informiert – allgegenwärtig und allumfassend!?, 2012) Poppinga, Benjamin; Henze, Niels; Fortmann, Jutta; Heuten, Wilko; Boll, SusanneWhile more and more digital information becomes available, the demand to access information whenever and wherever increases. However, ubiquitous information provision often interferes with the user's primary tasks such as walking, driving, or reading. In this paper we present a mobile device called AmbiGlasses, a pair of glasses with 12 LEDs that illuminate the periphery of the user's field of view. A conducted user study shows that participants are able to locate the correct LED with 71% accuracy and estimate the rough location of the LED with 92% accuracy. Participants were further asked to exemplary design visualization configurations for four directions. Consistent results show that different participants encode directions with similar patterns. We argue that the AmbiGlasses can therefore be used to convey clear and intuitive navigation instructions.
- KonferenzbeitragAnalyse sozialer Beziehungen anhand nonverbaler Signale im IM-Chat(Mensch & Computer 2012: interaktiv informiert – allgegenwärtig und allumfassend!?, 2012) Leon Rojas, Sarah; Jeners, Nils; Kirschenmann, UweSoziale Beziehungen und zwischenpersönliche Kommunikation sind eng miteinander verbunden. Durch eine Analyse von Kommunikationsmerkmalen können Informationen über die Beziehung zwischen den Kommunikationspartnern gewonnen werden. Digitale Kommunikationskanäle wie IM-Chat bieten durch die Speicherung von Log-Daten eine gute Datenbasis für eine solche Analyse. In diesem Artikel möchten wir eine Operationalisierung des Tie Strength Modells anhand nonverbaler Größen im textbasierten Chat vorstellen.
- KonferenzbeitragAnalysis and Classification of Serious Games for Elderly(Mensch & Computer 2012: interaktiv informiert – allgegenwärtig und allumfassend!?, 2012) Klauser, Matthias; Kötteritzsch, Anna; Niesenhaus, Jörg; Budweg, SteffenSerious games aim at providing benefits beyond pure entertainment and are a growing area of research. Furthermore, not only the number of serious games increases but also the range of application areas. Today, serious games address physical cognitive social and psychological needs for a different target audience with multiple devices. Serious games are often classified by benefits or purpose within a specific application area, but classifications focused on different user- and game-specific aspects are still rare. In this paper we provide an overview on a selection of serious games for elderly people by extracting and summarizing common categories used to classify games on a general level and especially serious games. Furthermore, a collection of serious games for elderly based on literature research as well as a classification using the summarized categories is presented. By those means, serious games for elderly shall be structured and not sufficiently covered approaches of providing benefits be identified.
- KonferenzbeitragBarrieren bei der Interaktion mit Virtual Reality Systemen(Mensch & Computer 2012: interaktiv informiert – allgegenwärtig und allumfassend!?, 2012) Rademacher, Martin; Buczek, Phillip; Dabs, Carsten; Krömker, HeidiVirtual Reality Systeme sind ein wesentlicher Bestandteil im Produktentwicklungsprozess, werden jedoch nicht von allen Beteiligten gleichermaßen intensiv genutzt. Die Studie hat zum Ziel aufgabenbezogene Barrieren bei den einzelnen Rollen zu identifizieren. Auf der Basis von Aufgabenanalysen wurden mit typischen Repräsentanten der Rollen qualitative Erhebungen durchgeführt, durch die 12 Barrieren extrahiert werden konnten.
- WorkshopbeitragBenutzerzentrierte Beschreibung bewegungsbasierter Interaktionen(Mensch & Computer 2012: interaktiv informiert – allgegenwärtig und allumfassend!?, 2012) Gockel, Bianca; Staab, Tamara; Bomsdorf, BirgitDerzeitige Notationen zur Dialogspezifikation berücksichtigen nur unzureichend Formen, in denen der Benutzer über Körperbewegungen mit einem System interagieren kann. In diesem Beitrag werden erste Ergebnisse der Entwicklung einer als Body Interaction Notation (BIN) bezeichneten Beschreibungssprache bewegungsbasierter Mensch-Computer-Interaktionen vorgestellt. Sie basiert im Wesentlichen auf der Kombination der User Action Notation mit einer modifizierten Version der Labanotation.