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DELFI 2022 Workshops

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  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Authoring Educational 360° Models
    (Proceedings of DELFI Workshops 2022, 2022) Wehking, Florian; Wolf, Mario; Söbke, Heinrich
    The continuous progress of 360° technologies in recent years has considerably reduced the effort required for creating 360° models. Educational 360° models may now be authored by instructors themselves. However, the quality and usability of 360° models still depend significantly on experience gained from previous authoring of 360° models. Thus, this article summarizes the experience gained during authoring of eleven 360° models from 2018 to 2022 for higher education in environmental engineering. The experiences are structured following a process model inspired by Wohl 2019. Four cameras and four software packages have been used for authoring the eleven 360° models. Based on the eleven 360° models, authoring principles and generalizable experiences are provided to guide the selection of approaches and design elements, as well as hardware and software equipment, for authoring of 360° models.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Investigating Eye-Tracking in 3rd Party Off-the-Shelve Software
    (Proceedings of DELFI Workshops 2022, 2022) Igbudu, Mary; Tümler, Johannes
    Eye-tracking and its uses to assess visual attention in head-mounted displays opens many possibilities for virtual reality experiences. Eye-tracking in virtual reality can reveal what is behind an individual’s subconscious reaction and behavior when interacting with environments Several Virtual Reality headsets have integrated eye-tracking capabilities. In order to use the eye-tracking feature, it usually is necessary to implement specific SDKs into the Virtual Reality software. The focus of this paper is to present an approach to use such systems to investigate eye-tracking data in third party off-the-shelve Virtual Reality software without integration of specific SDKs. Also investigated is the measurement and forecasting of user performance based on the eye-tracking data. A randomized controlled study was conducted with 20 participants. They used the Varjo VR-2 head-mounted display with integrated eye-tracking capabilities in a biomedical teaching application. The method proved to be successful. A link was found between visual attention and educational outcomes in biomedical training with a positive and strong correlation.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Integration einer VR-Anwendung in eine Mathematik-Lehrveranstaltung für Informatiker
    (Proceedings of DELFI Workshops 2022, 2022) Brill, Manfred; Särota, Benedict
    In diesem Beitrag wird der Einsatz einer VR-Lernanwendung in einer Mathematik-Lehr-veranstaltung in einem Masterstudiengang der Informatik vorgestellt. Die Lernanwendung wird in den Übungsgruppen eingesetzt und ergänzt die dort bereits eingesetzten Medien. Für einzelne Lerneinheiten, die auf vorhandenen Übungsaufgaben aufbauen wurde eine generische VR-Anwen-dung angepasst. Dazu wird eine Schnittstelle zwischen dem vorhandenen Lehrmaterial und der VR-Anwendung implementiert. Dieses Konzept ermöglicht kurzfristige Änderungen oder die Pflege der Lerneinheiten ohne großen Zeit- und Personalbedarf. Die entwickelte VR-Anwendung behandelt das Thema der Parameterkurven.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Einsatz von Augmented Reality in Kläranlagen
    (Proceedings of DELFI Workshops 2022, 2022) Hofmann, Jens
    Der Einsatz von Augmented Reality (AR) in der beruflichen Bildung eignet sich insbesondere für die Vermittlung berufspraktischer Kompetenzen im Rahmen der Qualifizierung von Auszubildenden im Berufsbild „Fachkraft für Abwassertechnik“. Der niederschwellige Einsatz wird anhand vier exemplarischer Einsatzszenarien in einer Kläranlage dargestellt. Leitfrage war hierbei: Ist der Einsatz von Datenbrillen geeignet, um den Erwerb berufspraktischer Handlungskompetenz zu unterstützen? Der Praxisbericht zeigt auf, dass die Weitergabe von Fachwissen in Echtzeit durch eine AR Remote Support-Lösung vom Experten an Auszubildende möglich ist. Dies fördert ein digitalgestütztes Arbeiten in der beruflichen Praxis durch den lernhaltigen Einsatz von AR sowie es unterstützt gleichzeitig den Wandel hin zu einer Abwasserwirtschaft 4.0 im Kontext einer beruflichen Bildung 4.0.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Kollaboratives Lernen mit Virtual Reality am Beispiel des Anne Frank VR House
    (Proceedings of DELFI Workshops 2022, 2022) Mulders, Miriam
    Im November 2021 wurde ein Unterrichtskonzept zum kollaborativen Lernen mit Virtual Reality (VR) mit Schüler*innen der neunten Klasse eines Gymnasiums erprobt. Dazu bearbeiteten Kleingruppen Lernaufträge, bei denen eine Person aktiv in der VR agierte und die Anderen diese Person aktiv begleiteten. Dieser Beitrag beschreibt die Erarbeitung und Durchführung von kollaborativen Lernaktivitäten in und mit VR. Die Ergebnisse der Evaluierung deuten darauf hin, dass kollaborative Unterrichtsszenarien, in denen wenige Schüler*innen sich innerhalb der VR befinden und weitere Schüler*innen von außerhalb das Lerngeschehen beeinflussen, für das Lernen förderlich sein können. Weiterhin werden im Beitrag Stärken (z. B. simultanes Einbinden mehrerer Schüler*innen) und Schwächen (z. B. eingeschränktes Erleben der Person in VR) von VR für kollaboratives Lernen in Kleingruppen diskutiert. Der Beitrag schließt ab mit einem Fazit und Implikationen für Folgedesigns und Forschungsprojekte.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    High Accuracy GPS Antennas in Educational Location-based Augmented Reality
    (Proceedings of DELFI Workshops 2022, 2022) Osipova, Margarita; Das, Sanghamitra; Riyad, Peter; Söbke, Heinrich; Wolf, Mario; Wehking, Florian
    In location-based augmented reality (AR), the augmentations depend on the geolocation. Location-based AR might be used in higher education for enabling authentic learning experiences. However, the positioning accuracy achievable with GPS receivers built into off-the-shelf mobile devices has been shown in previous studies to be suboptimal for a subset of learning scenarios. Accordingly, in this comparative study, we investigated whether high accuracy GPS antennas are capable of achieving higher positioning accuracy, which also may improve the learning experience. Specifically, a mobile geographical information system (GIS) client (AugView) was used to visual-ize pipes and manholes in the underground. Participants were tasked with recording a local sewer system using the GIS client and subsequently visualizing the network using the GIS client’s AR mode. The experimental group (N=8) used an external GPS antenna, while the control group (N=8) relied on the standard GPS receivers of the mobile device. Usability was assessed using the Post-Study System Usability Questionnaire, learning outcomes were measured using pre- and post-test. In addition, semi-structured interviews were conducted with all participants. As a result, usability and learning outcomes were found to be better for the experimental group, but deficits in accuracy of the visualizations were also found with the GPS antenna. In particular, the time delay that must be waited until a high accuracy is achieved in case of non-uniform motion has to be noted. However, this time delay can be compensated for with appropriate learning scenarios design. In summary, high accuracy GPS antennas seem being beneficial to learning scenarios but require careful context-spe-cific prior evaluation.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Open Educational Resources and Virtual Reality: An inventory
    (Proceedings of DELFI Workshops 2022, 2022) Görzen, Sergej; Heinemann, Birte; Heim, Marlene; Schroeder, Ulrik
    Virtual reality (VR) in education is a current field of research, e.g. because it provides an immersive and safe learning environment for dangerous or expensive training. But developing VR learning applications is time-consuming and costly. The development of open educational resources (OER) can facilitate educators’ access to VR and help integrate technology into everyday education. This paper presents the current state of open educational resources in virtual reality and discusses the possibilities and challenges of combining VR and OER.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Novice-friendly Feedback for Python Tasks in ArTEMiS
    (Proceedings of DELFI Workshops 2022, 2022) Kazimiers, Antje; Morgenstern, Martin; Leonhardt, Thiemo; Bergner, Nadine
    Since Python is a popular language to teach programming to novices, there is a need for programming exercises which require knowledge of basic concepts of imperative programming. At the same time, educators have an interest in giving individual feedback which guides students to improve their results. We implement Python programming exercises in the automatic assessment system ArTEMiS and explore the possibilities to provide formative elaborated feedback and hints which support learning.
  • Textdokument
    5. Workshop VR/AR-Learning
    (Proceedings of DELFI Workshops 2022, 2022) Zender, Raphael; Söbke, Heinrich; Mulders, Miriam
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Harmonizing OER metadata in ETL processes with SkoHub in the project "WirLernenOnline"
    (Proceedings of DELFI Workshops 2022, 2022) Rörtgen, Steffen
    The values for metadata attributes of Open Educational Resources (OER) are often made available in repositories without recourse to uniform value lists and corresponding standards. This circumstance complicates data harmonization when OERs from different sources are to be aggregated in one search environment. With the help of the RDF standard “SKOS” and the tool “SkoHub-Vocabs”, the project "WirLernenOnline" has found an innovative, reusable and standards-based solution to this challenge. This involves the creation of SKOS vocabularies that are used during the ETL process to harmonize differing terms (for example, "math" and "mathematics"). This then forms the basis for providing users with consistent filtering options and a good search experience. The created and open licensed vocabularies can then easily be reused and linked to overcome this challenge in the future.