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P160 - Software Engineering 2010 – Workshopband (inkl. Doktorandensymposium)

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  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Model-based development tools for embedded systems in the industry – Results from an empirical investigation –
    (Software Engineering 2010 – Workshopband (inkl. Doktorandensymposium), 2010) Herrmannsdoerfer, Markus; Kofler, Thomas; Merenda, Stefano; Ratiu, Daniel; Thyssen, Judith
    Model-based development (MBD) is adopted in practice in different degrees. A prerequisite for building a new generation of tools for model-based development of embedded systems is to gain an overview over their current use and the needs of the industry. In this paper, we present the results of an empirical study-that we conducted in the context of the SPES2020 research project-about the use of modelbased development tools in industrial projects. We investigated the following general research questions by collecting empirical data from several industrial project partners: (1) What is the status quo of the tools currently used in industry? and (2) What are the requirements for the next generation of industrial tools? The result of our study shows that there is a considerable heterogeneity in both the development tools and in the manner in which model-based development is perceived in different industrial branches (e. g., automation, avionics, automotive). Furthermore, we identified that the most important need for industrialization of model-based development in the future is a higher integration of different tools and methods.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Interaktive Konfigurierung dynamischer Anwendungssysteme aus Komponenten
    (Software Engineering 2010 – Workshopband (inkl. Doktorandensymposium), 2010) Grollius, Tobias
    Dynamische Anwendungssysteme haben das Potenzial, sich schnell an veränderte Bedingungen anzupassen. Sie werden prozessund komponentenorientiert konstruiert. Dieser Beitrag stellt eine Methode zur Modellierung der komponentenbasierten Aufbaustruktur und interaktiven Konfigurierung dynamischer Anwendungen vor, die sowohl Komponenten-Varianten berücksichtigt als auch Raum für die Kreativität des konfigurierenden Menschen lässt.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    ENVISION 2020: Erster Workshop zur Zukunft der Entwicklung softwareintensiver, eingebetteter Systeme
    (Software Engineering 2010 – Workshopband (inkl. Doktorandensymposium), 2010) Lauenroth, Kim; Sikora, Ernst
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Modellierung von Kennzahlensystemen mit BPMN
    (Software Engineering 2010 – Workshopband (inkl. Doktorandensymposium), 2010) Zeise, Nicole
    Mit dem Ziel einen möglichen Ansatz zur Verbindung von Kennzahlensystemen mit Prozesssystemen zu finden, diskutiert der vorliegende Beitrag Fragestellungen hinsichtlich der Modellierung von Kennzahlensystemen innerhalb einer Prozessstruktur unter Berücksichtigung der Eigenschaften eindimensionaler und mehrdimensionaler Kennzahlensysteme. Die ausgewählte Modellierungssprache für die Untersuchung ist BPMN. Innerhalb dieser Sprache wird untersucht, welche Möglichkeiten bestehen, Kennzahlensysteme direkt in der Prozessstruktur zu modellieren.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Towards information flow auditing in workflows
    (Software Engineering 2010 – Workshopband (inkl. Doktorandensymposium), 2010) Wonnemann, Claus
    The paper proposes an approach for compliance audits in workflow environments based on the tracking of information flow. Requirements are formalized as a binary relation on the workflow principals. The workflows' execution logs are transferred into graph-based representations of the explicit information flows (dataflows) and adherence to compliance requirements is checked while traversing these graphs. The scope and limits are discussed and the major milestones for further work are outlined.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Semi-automatic matching of heterogeneous model-based specifications
    (Software Engineering 2010 – Workshopband (inkl. Doktorandensymposium), 2010) Voigt, Konrad
    IT-systems are often described by a variety of specifications such as UML, Java, BPMN, WSDL, etc. These heterogeneous specifications constitute different views on the same system, resulting in the challenge of matching. That is in context of Model Driven Engineering the discovery of semantic correspondences between model elements, which can be used for tasks such as transformation or trace link generation. Although support by semi-automatic matching has been proposed, current approaches show deficits. They leave room for improvement in matching quality, do not appropriately address scalability, and miss a thorough evaluation. They were proposed to specifically target differencing and versioning in contrast to matching. We tackle these issues by proposing a configurable combination of matchers that considers both: meta-models and models. We propose to adopt established schema matching techniques and to utilize information gained from meta-model matching for the task of model matching. Additionally, the graph qualities planarity and reducibility are used to apply graph isomorphism and clustering algorithms for enhanced structural matching. Finally, we build upon a generic model-based infrastructure (EMF) allowing for an easy integration of heterogeneous specifications and the realization of scenarios from the area of service engineering for our proposed evaluation.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Product certification of component performance specifications
    (Software Engineering 2010 – Workshopband (inkl. Doktorandensymposium), 2010) Groenda, Henning
    In software engineering, performance analyses and predictions play an important role in the selection of components and the evolution of complex componentbased systems. These analyses and predictions are based on parameterized performance specifications. However, the quality of the specifications and their trustworthiness usually remain unspecified. In existing approaches, it remains unclear if a specification can be reused in another context and which effect its use may have on the quality of the analysis or prediction. In this paper, we propose a test-based approach to validate parameterized performance specifications against deployed component implementations. The validation is used to certify the quality and valid parameter ranges of the specifications.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Design Decisions in Model-driven Software Development
    (Software Engineering 2010 – Workshopband (inkl. Doktorandensymposium), 2010) Könemann, Patrick
    Numerous design decisions are made in model-driven software development which are mostly implicit and not documented properly. Hence, the design knowledge is usually 'in the designers mind' and maybe propagated orally, if at all. There exist tools which tackle that problem for architectural decisions which refer to the higher level architecture of the system to develop, but these decisions are not linked to the design models and are only for documentation. The goal of this project is to contribute concepts and a tool for explicit design decision support in model-driven software development. The contribution is twofold: a technology for creating and storing model differences is developed which will be used for storing model changes for reusable decisions; furthermore, an integration of decision management tools with modeling tools is presented. This allows explicit decision making with tool support and decision reuse which improves the design documentation process and allows sharing and reusing design knowledge.
  • Konferenzbeitrag
    Ein Ansatz zur Entwicklung operationalisierter Usability-Anforderungen
    (Software Engineering 2010 – Workshopband (inkl. Doktorandensymposium), 2010) Röder, Holger
    Die Rolle von Usability in der Praxis heutiger Software-Entwicklung ist nicht klar definiert: obwohl gute Usability als Ziel weithin akzeptiert ist, wird dieses Ziel nur selten systematisch verfolgt. Die Einbindung entsprechender Aktivitäten in existierende Entwicklungsprozesse und insbesondere die Berücksichtigung von Usability-Anforderungen erweisen sich als schwierig. In der Konsequenz hängt die ergonomische Gestaltung interaktiver Softwaresysteme häufig allein vom Willen und vom Geschick einzelner Beteiligter ab. Der im Rahmen des vorgestellten Dissertationsvorhabens entwickelte Ansatz versucht, diesen Schwierigkeiten zu begegnen und Usability-Aspekte in der Anforderungsanalyse systematisch zu behandeln. Er sieht die Ergänzung einer funktionalen Spezifikation durch Interaktionsanforderungen vor, die durch Auswahl und Operationalisierung geeigneter Prinzipien der Interaktionsgestaltung entwickelt werden. Funktionale Interaktionselemente (z. B. einzelne Schritte in einem Use Case) werden dazu auf ein Modell der Systeminteraktion abgebildet. Aus einem Katalog von Interaktionsmustern werden anhand dieser Abbildung die Gestaltungsprinzipien ausgewählt, die auf die spezifischen Interaktionselemente zutreffen und im gegebenen Nutzungskontext anwendbar sind. Die Anwendung der Interaktionsmuster wird schließlich in Form von Interaktionsanforderungen spezifiziert. Diese Anforderungen sind umsetzbar und prüfbar; sie ermöglichen die Operationalisierung von Usability-Vorgaben und erleichtern die Berücksichtigung in Architekturentwurf, Implementierung und Test.