MCI Dissertationen
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- Dissertation3D User Interfaces for Interventional Support and Medical Education(2018) Saalfeld, PatrickSpatial user interfaces hold the opportunity to improve the interaction with medical structures in several domains. This thesis presents spatial input and output devices as well as interaction techniques that support physicians during interventions, students and teachers in medical education, and patients and physicians during patient education. Physicians are supported with freehand gestures that are used as a touchless interaction technique to control interventional imaging software. This enables them to investigate patient’s radiographic scans during interventions in a sterile manner. Patient education, medical teaching and therapy planning are supported with the natural interaction technique of sketching. Here, approaches are presented to sketch vascular structures, pathologies, treatment options and blood flow in real-time, either as 2D or 3D structures. For this purpose, an interactive whiteboard and a spatial input and output device is used (namely the zSpace). Furthermore, this thesis presents general guidelines for the evaluation of interactive medical visualizations. This comprises quantitative and qualitative methods, directives for the collection of data, the definition of tasks and experimental designs as well as the selection of appropriate statistical tests. The conducted evaluations within this thesis follow these guidelines, which allows to assess them with quantitative and qualitative aspects. The presented prototypes show the potential for touchless interaction with medical image data, the chance to support patients in understanding the impact of different treatment strategies, and the opportunity in helping students to learn particularities and spatial relationships of vascular configurations.
- DissertationAffective automotive user interfaces(2020) Braun, MichaelTechnological progress in the fields of ubiquitous sensing and machine learning has been fueling the development of user-aware human-computer interaction in recent years. Especially natural user interfaces, like digital voice assistants, can benefit from understanding their users in order to provide a more naturalistic experience. Such systems can, for example, detect the emotional state of users and accordingly act in an empathic way. One major research field working on this topic is Affective Computing, where psycho-physiological measures, speech input, and facial expressions are used to sense human emotions. Affective data allows natural user interfaces to respond to emotions, providing promising perspectives not only for user experience design but also for safety aspects. In automotive environments, informed estimations of the driver’s state can potentially avoid dangerous errors and evoking positive emotions can improve the experience of driving. This dissertation explores Affective Automotive User Interfaces using two basic interaction paradigms: firstly, emotion regulation systems react to the current emotional state of the user based on live sensing data, allowing for quick interventions. Secondly, emotional interaction synthesizes experiences which resonate with the user on an emotional level. The constituted goals of these two interaction approaches are the promotion of safe behavior and an improvement of user experience. Promoting safe behavior through emotion regulation: Systems which detect and react to the driver’s state are expected to have great potential for improving road safety. This work presents a model and methods needed to investigate such systems and an exploration of several approaches to keep the driver in a safe state. The presented methods include techniques to induce emotions and to sample the emotional state of drivers. Three driving simulator studies investigate the impacts of emotionaware interventions in the form of implicit cues, visual mirroring and empathic speech synthesis. We envision emotion-awareness as a safety feature which can detect if a driver is unfit or in need of support, based on the propagation of robust emotion detection technology. Improving user experience with emotional interaction: Emotional perception is an essential part of user experience. This thesis entails methods to build emotional experiences derived from a variety of lab and simulator studies, expert feedback, car-storming sessions and design thinking workshops. Systems capable of adapting to the user’s preferences and traits in order to create an emotionally satisfactory user experience do not require the input of emotion detection. They rather create value through general knowledge about the user by adapting the output they generate. During this research, cultural and generational influences became evident, which have to be considered when implementing affective automotive user interfaces in future cars. We argue that the future of user-aware interaction lies in adapting not only to the driver’s preferences and settings but also to their current state. This paves the way for the regulation of safe behavior, especially in safety-critical environments like cars, and an improvement of the driving experience.
- DissertationAlmost human, but not really: the relevance of the human-technology relationship for social needs and interpersonal relationships(2022) Christoforakos, LaraTechnologies become increasingly present in people’s daily lives and oftentimes adopt the role of social counterparts. People have conversations with their smart voice assistants and social robots assist with the household or even look after their users’ mental and physical health. Thus, the human-technology relationship often resembles interpersonal relationships in several ways. While research has implied that the human-technology relationship can adopt a social character, it needs to be clarified in what ways and regarding which variables the human-technology relationship and interpersonal relationships are comparable. Moreover, the question arises to what extent interaction with technology can address users’ social needs similar to a human counterpart and therefore possibly even affect interpersonal interaction. In this, the role of technology anthropomorphism, that is, the attribution of humanlike qualities to non-human agents or objects needs to be specified. This thesis is dedicated to the relevance of the human-technology relationship for interpersonal relationships with a focus on social needs. In the frame of this overarching research aim, the studies included in this thesis focus on the dynamics of the human-technology relationship and their comparability to interpersonal relationships (RQ1), the potential of human-technology interaction to address users’ social needs or substitute their fulfillment through interpersonal interaction (RQ2) as well as the role of technology anthropomorphism regarding these relationships (RQ3).
- DissertationAuswahl von Selektions- und Manipulationstechniken für Virtual Reality-Anwendungen(2022) Weise, MatthiasDie stetige Weiterentwicklung von VR-Systemen bietet neue Möglichkeiten der Interaktion mit virtuellen Objekten im dreidimensionalen Raum, stellt Entwickelnde von VRAnwendungen aber auch vor neue Herausforderungen. Selektions- und Manipulationstechniken müssen unter Berücksichtigung des Anwendungsszenarios, der Zielgruppe und der zur Verfügung stehenden Ein- und Ausgabegeräte ausgewählt werden. Diese Arbeit leistet einen Beitrag dazu, die Auswahl von passenden Interaktionstechniken zu unterstützen. Hierfür wurde eine repräsentative Menge von Selektions- und Manipulationstechniken untersucht und, unter Berücksichtigung existierender Klassifikationssysteme, eine Taxonomie entwickelt, die die Analyse der Techniken hinsichtlich interaktionsrelevanter Eigenschaften ermöglicht. Auf Basis dieser Taxonomie wurden Techniken ausgewählt, die in einer explorativen Studie verglichen wurden, um Rückschlüsse auf die Dimensionen der Taxonomie zu ziehen und neue Indizien für Vor- und Nachteile der Techniken in spezifischen Anwendungsszenarien zu generieren. Die Ergebnisse der Arbeit münden in eine Webanwendung, die Entwickelnde von VR-Anwendungen gezielt dabei unterstützt, passende Selektions- und Manipulationstechniken für ein Anwendungsszenario auszuwählen, indem Techniken auf Basis der Taxonomie gefiltert und unter Verwendung der Resultate aus der Studie sortiert werden können.
- DissertationBehaviour-aware mobile touch interfaces(2018) Buschek, DanielMobile touch devices have become ubiquitous everyday tools for communication, information, as well as capturing, storing and accessing personal data. They are often seen as personal devices, linked to individual users, who access the digital part of their daily lives via hand-held touchscreens. This personal use and the importance of the touch interface motivate the main assertion of this thesis: Mobile touch interaction can be improved by enabling user interfaces to assess and take into account how the user performs these interactions. This thesis introduces the new term "behaviour-aware" to characterise such interfaces. These behaviour-aware interfaces aim to improve interaction by utilising behaviour data: Since users perform touch interactions for their main tasks anyway, inferring extra information from said touches may, for example, save users' time and reduce distraction, compared to explicitly asking them for this information (e.g. user identity, hand posture, further context). Behaviour-aware user interfaces may utilise this information in different ways, in particular to adapt to users and contexts. Important questions for this research thus concern understanding behaviour details and influences, modelling said behaviour, and inference and (re)action integrated into the user interface. In several studies covering both analyses of basic touch behaviour and a set of specific prototype applications, this thesis addresses these questions and explores three application areas and goals: 1) Enhancing input capabilities – by modelling users' individual touch targeting behaviour to correct future touches and increase touch accuracy. The research reveals challenges and opportunities of behaviour variability arising from factors including target location, size and shape, hand and finger, stylus use, mobility, and device size. The work further informs modelling and inference based on targeting data, and presents approaches for simulating touch targeting behaviour and detecting behaviour changes. 2) Facilitating privacy and security – by observing touch targeting and typing behaviour patterns to implicitly verify user identity or distinguish multiple users during use. The research shows and addresses mobile-specific challenges, in particular changing hand postures. It also reveals that touch targeting characteristics provide useful biometric value both in the lab as well as in everyday typing. Influences of common evaluation assumptions are assessed and discussed as well. 3) Increasing expressiveness – by enabling interfaces to pass on behaviour variability from input to output space, studied with a keyboard that dynamically alters the font based on current typing behaviour. Results show that with these fonts users can distinguish basic contexts as well as individuals. They also explicitly control font influences for personal communication with creative effects. This thesis further contributes concepts and implemented tools for collecting touch behaviour data, analysing and modelling touch behaviour, and creating behaviour-aware and adaptive mobile touch interfaces. Together, these contributions support researchers and developers in investigating and building such user interfaces. Overall, this research shows how variability in mobile touch behaviour can be addressed and exploited for the benefit of the users. The thesis further discusses opportunities for transfer and reuse of touch behaviour models and information across applications and devices, for example to address tradeoffs of privacy/security and usability. Finally, the work concludes by reflecting on the general role of behaviour-aware user interfaces, proposing to view them as a way of embedding expectations about user input into interactive artefacts.
- DissertationCommunityMirrors: Interaktive Großbildschirme als ubiquitäre Natural User Interfaces für Kooperationssysteme(2018) Ott, FlorianSteigende Komplexität informatisierter Geschäftsprozesse sowie zunehmende Durchdringung unseres Alltags mit Smartphones und Tablets für den allgegenwärtigen Zugriff auf Internetdienste und Kooperationssysteme haben zur fast vollständigen Digitalisierung unserer Wissensgesellschaft beigetragen. Neben ihren vielen Vorteilen für die individuelle Informationsversorgung fördern ubiquitäre Benutzerschnittstellen jedoch die bildschirmbasierte Separation sozialer Akteure und damit digitale Vereinsamung. Interaktive Großbildschirme können in diesem Spannungsfeld aufgrund ihrer physischen Ausmaße und der daraus resultierenden gleichzeitigen „geteilten“ Nutzbarkeit durch mehrere Personen einen Betrag zur Resozialisierung der Wissensarbeit leisten, z. B. beim kommunikativen gemeinsamen Stöbern in Informationsräumen oder dem kooperativen Erarbeiten von Inhalten. Auch für die periphere Informationsversorgung im Vorübergehen bieten sie großes Potenzial, jedoch wird dies bisher primär von passiven Advertising Displays im öffentlichen Raum für die Anzeige von Werbung genutzt. Im Unternehmenskontext fehlen Displays, die Informationen aus kollaborativen Wissensprozessen an halb-öffentlichen Orten, wie Kaffee-Ecken, neben dem Aufzug oder vor frequentierten Gruppenräumen, interaktiv sichtbar, greifbar und gemeinsam erlebbar machen. Eine wesentliche Ursache der fehlenden Nutzung ist die soziotechnischen Komplexität der erforderlichen halb-öffentlichen synchron-kolozierten Mehrbenutzerinteraktion mit einem Großbildschirm. Für eine längerfristig nutzenstiftende Anwendungsentwicklung ist nicht ausreichend klar, welche konkreten Potenziale der Systemeinsatz für die Verbesserung der Informationsversorgung in kollaborativen Wissensprozessen bieten kann und wie der halb-öffentliche Interaktionskontext dafür gestaltet werden muss. Wichtige Erkenntnisse hierzu sind über verschiedene Forschungsbereiche gestreut und verwenden z. T. gänzlich unterschiedliche Terminologien, wodurch der Praxistransfer erschwert wird. Hier setzt die vorliegende Forschungsarbeit an und stellt sich die Frage, welche soziotechnischen Gestaltungsparameter beim Einsatz interaktiver Großbildschirme als halb-öffentliche ubiquitäre Natural User Interfaces in kollaborativen Wissensprozessen existieren und wie diese sowie ihre potenziellen Auswirkungen auf die Wissensarbeit in einem interdisziplinär verständlichen konzeptionellen Systemmodell beschrieben werden können. Zur Komplexitätsreduktion beschäftigt sich die Arbeit zunächst mit der argumentativ-deduktiven Aufarbeitung der zentralen Komponenten des soziotechnischen Systems kollaborativer Wissensprozesse und halb-öffentlicher interaktiver Großbildschirme aus Makro- und Mikroperspektive in Form terminologischer Definitionen sowie grafischer Visualisierungen. Auf Basis mehrerer explorativer Technology Probes mit einem dafür implementierten technischen Framework untersucht die Arbeit anschließend in realen Einsatzszenarien die Gestaltungsparameter und Nutzungspotenziale des Systemeinsatzes und dokumentiert diese in einem interdisziplinär verständlichen soziotechnischen Interaktionskontextmodell.
- DissertationComputational construction grammar based on formal ontologies(2023) Micelli-Schmidt, VanessaThis work describes a formalization of construction grammar - a grammar formalism that considers the linguistic discipline of semantics not as a separate part of a language’s grammar but as a major part of it, equally important as other linguistic disciplines as for instance morphology or tense - by means of formal ontologies. The result of this undertaking is a powerful ontological model which is enriched with a cognitively motivated grammar layer to be used in natural language applications. The method is well documented in order to make the ideas and analyses reusable for instance for extending the framework with additional (domain) knowledge or even for writing new grammars.
- DissertationDeaf tech worth wanting: A participatory speculative investigation(2024) Angelini, RobinThis deaf-led thesis challenges prevailing ideologies surrounding technologies for deaf people within the field of accessible and assistive technologies, advocating for a shift toward a deaf-centered paradigm. Employing Grounded Theory methodology, the study investigates Deaf Tech and the deaf-centered design approach. Through Participatory Speculative design involving deaf participants from three different European countries, the thesis explores their visions of an ideal technological landscape – one that not only focuses on accessibility, but encompasses a broader exploration of technologies tailored to their curiosities. The subsequent participatory interviews reflect the relevance of the deaf community in shaping technology. The findings of this study address the issues within technological research and development for deaf people, bridging the gap in the literature at the intersection of Deaf Studies and Human-Computer Interaction research. Furthermore, the findings offer insights into alternative socio-technical narratives by deaf people and conceptions of Deaf Tech, focusing on identity, cultural, and experiential aspects. Lastly, the work contributes to an open dialogue about the importance of deaf-led and deaf-centered approaches to technology research and development, emphasizing and centering the needs, desires, and experiences of deaf people.
- DissertationDeep player behavior modeling(2021) Pfau, JohannesVideospiele haben sich zum führenden Zweig der Unterhaltungsindustrie entwickelt, deren Umsätze Fernseh-, Kino- oder Musikwirtschaft übertreffen. Diese rasante Entwicklung geht einher mit ebenso zunehmenden Ansprüchen der Verbraucher in Hinsicht auf das kontinuierliche Angebot von Inhalten, Fehlervermeidung und -behebung und Erhaltung von Echtzeit-Online-Funktionalitäten - in stetig wachsenden Systemen. Während die Bemühungen, diese Probleme zu überwinden, in erster Linie mit deutlichem Aufwand intensiver manueller Arbeit verbunden sind, zielen durch künstliche Intelligenz gesteuerte Ansätze wie prozedurale Generierung, dynamische Schwierigkeitsanpassung oder autonome Testläufe darauf ab, die Last von den Schultern der Entwickler zu mindern. Für die Simulation künstlichen Verhaltens gilt Menschenähnlichkeit als eines der Hauptqualitätskriterien, dennoch konzentrieren sich die meisten Ansätze für diese Zwecke auf allgemein glaubwürdiges Verhalten. Diese Dissertation stellt das Konzept, die Architektur, Implementierung und Evaluierung von Deep Player Behavior Modeling vor, das die atomare Entscheidungsfindung einzelner Spieler abbildet und individuelle Verhaltensrepräsentationen generiert, die anschließend künstliche Agenten steuern. Nach der Evaluation durch mehrere Feldstudien in verschiedenen Spielen bewiesen diese Agenten, individuelle Strategien und Präferenzen überzeugend darzustellen, Fertigkeitsniveaus im Spiel akkurat zu repräsentieren und von ihrem ursprünglichen menschlichen Spieler nicht mehr zu unterscheidbar zu sein. Zusammen mit Literaturrecherche und Experteninterviews, die die Möglichkeiten von benutzbarer KI in Videospielen hervorheben, leistet diese Arbeit Beiträge zu den Bereichen der Spielnutzerforschung, Spiel-KI, maschinellem Lernen und Spielermodellierung und demonstriert bedeutende Fortschritte in den Anwendungsbereichen der dynamischen Schwierigkeitsanpassung, Spielersubstitution und automatisierten Spieltests.
- DissertationDesigning communication technologies based on physiological sensing(2018) Hassib, MariamThe human body, that marvelous chamber of secrets, reveals myriads of information about its owner’s physical, psychological, emotional and cognitive state. In the last century, scientists in the medical field achieved huge leaps in identifying, collecting and analysing of signals generated inside the human brain and body.The advancement in the technology of sensing and collecting those physiological signals has finally matured enough; making the mysterious human body a more attainable source of information to regular non-trained users. Research in the field of Human Computer Interaction has always looked for new ways to interface between humans and machines.With the help of physiological sensing, a new channel of information originating inside the human body becomes available. The opportunities this new channel provides are limitless. In this thesis we take this opportunity to look at our own bodies as a source of information, to better understand ourselves, and others. In a world where partners and friends are in long-distance relationships, meeting rooms are distributed over cities, and working teams are remote, efficient communication mediated over a distance becomes crucial. We see our bodies as a direct interface for communication: our heartbeats reveal how excited we are, our brain reveals how focused we are, and our skin reveals how stressed we are. How can we use this information to create an implicit communication channel between people? Can we increase empathy, connectedness, and awareness, if we include the body as a source of information in our communication systems? What are the ethical and social implications of this type of novel sensing and sharing of information? These are some of the questions this thesis is concerned with. The field of Computer Mediated Communication (CMC) has a long rich history. In this work, we extend on the means of mediating communication to include the body at the source, and the sink, of a communication system. Through a user-centred design process, we first start with a requirements gathering stage in which we investigate the expectations of users towards implicit physiological sensing and sharing of information. We build on top of existing CMC concepts to include bio-signals of the human body within communication.We chart our view of an extensive design space that includes implicit sensing opportunities and dimensions that consider new trends in communication including the distribution and remoteness of users. Through a set of research probes, ordered by one dimension of our extended design space, namely the number of senders and receivers, we explore how signals from the human body can be collected, visualized, and communicated. Starting with self-reflection as a form of communication, we look into how the revealing of information about one’s own body to oneself can enhance their understanding and interaction with systems in different contexts. Using electroencephalography signals from the frontal lobe of the brain, we build a system that aims to aid information workers in understanding how their attention varies during different tasks, and aids in scheduling and increased awareness. In a second research probe, we investigate the effect of revealing affective valence information collected through heart rate and electroencephalography to car drivers and its impact on driving performance. Looking at one-to-one personal communication, comprising the bigger part of our 21st century relationships, we develop two probes which use intimate information collected from the human body to enhance empathy, awareness and connectedness. We explore ways to visualize and communicate heart rate in online chat scenarios and how users deal with such an intimate yet ambiguous source of information. In another probe we introduce the idea of, not only implicitly sensing emotions as an input from one sender, but also using an actuating component at the output side of the communication channel. We explain and develop our concept of embodied emotion actuation using electroencephalography on one side and electrical muscle stimulation on the receiver’s side to enhance the connection between communicating partners. Communication in the large, with multiple senders and receivers who may be distributed or collocated over time and place, is the subject of our final set of research probes. Here we explored the area of audience sensing using physiological sensors to provide feedback to presenters or stakeholders. In two probes we investigated the use of electroencephalography to collect feedback from multiple audiences, in collocated, or distributed scenarios. In one probe, presenters can view real-time or post-hoc feedback to their presented material to evaluate and enhance it. In the second probe, visitors in a museum can implicitly rate their interest in exhibits which can be used by museum curators for better understanding of their audience. Finally, throughout our developed and evaluated research probes we reflect back on the design space presented in the beginning. We derive implications and recommendations for design as well as a conceptual architecture for physiologically augmented communication. We dedicate a discussion to the ethical and social implications of implicit physiological communication derived through our field and lab evaluations of our developed probes.We conclude with a vision of computer mediated communication for the next 20 years and discuss opportunities of future work.